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Hyvää Joulua! :)
Muka valkoiset raidat! :D
tänään näyttäisin teille aikoja sitten tekemäni kynnet. Tykkäsin näistä kaikessa yksinkertaisuudessaan paljon ja varmasti tulen käyttämään ideaa uudestaankin.
week to be exact... One week before the birthday of our savior Jesus Christ... How do you celebrate your Christmas? AsChristians, we celebrate it by praising and thanking Jesus Christ for coming and saving us all from our sins... That is how much he loves us... It's time for us to return his kindness and love... Most of us celebrate Christmas by spending time with our loved ones, exchanging gifts, and being kind to others... We sometimes overlook the real meaning of Christmas. It is the birthday of "Jesus our Lord and Saviour". We should praise, greet, and thank HIM first before we do all the other stuff we got used to doing every Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone! Hope the true spirit of Christmas be upon us everyday!

Itsenäisyyspäivä kynnet!
Tänään olis näytillä mun itsenäisyyspäivä kynnet! Suomenlippuja näkyy olevan joka toisessa suomalaisessa blogissa. Itse en lippuja tehnyt, muuten vaan sini-valkoiset kynnet.

Pikkujoulu arvonta Shiny Nail Art blogissa!
varmaan ootte huomanneetkin, että monessa blogissa on käynnissä arvontoja ja kilpailuja. Niin on myös Shinyn blogissa! Käykää ihmeessä kurkkaamassa. Upea palkinto! :)
Thank You + Vacation Pix

Mount Samat (Tagalog pronunciation: [samat]) is a mountain in the town of Pilar, Province of Bataan, in the Republic of the Philippines. Located on the summit of the mountain is Dambana ng Kagitingan or Shrine of Valour, a memorial shrine complex built to honor and remember the gallantry of the Filipino and American soldiers who fought during World War II.
Consisting of a colonnade and the huge Memorial Cross, the sentinel of Bataan, the park was commissioned in 1966 by then President Ferdinand Marcos, aWar Veteran himself, for the 25th Anniversary of the Second World War.[1] The white Memorial Cross stands as a remembrance to the soldiers who fought and lost their lives in the Battle of Bataan. From the colonnade and the cross, one can view Bataan, Corregidor Island and on a clear day, the city of Manila. The shrine complex also includes a war museum with a wide array of collections from paintings of the Philippine heroes to armaments used by the American, Filipino and Japanese forces in the heat of the battle.