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 Hi guys, I submitted my nail art entry last week on MEGASTYLE.PH . I'm one of the 4 selected finalists, and the 2 winners will be decided thru voting via twitter. That doesn't favor me because even though I have a twitter account, I'm not very much into it..  I only have 2 followers...hehehe... So maybe you guys can help me. If you have a twitter account and you like my entry, just click the link bellow:
Just follow the rules that are stated there.. voting is until May 30. you can vote for your favorite entry.. here's mine.. hope you like it! God Bless
materials used:
franken "precious white"
different colors of Fab special polish
top coat
Amisy F01 and A59 image plate

Moderndoll Eye Mystic Black Contact Lenses (tutorial/ review)

Hi guys, I received a package last week and it came from Bornprettystore.. We all know that they sell nail art tools. but they also sell some beauty products nowadays. I really like the doll eye look contact lens that they sent me. I made a review/tutorial using it. 

Product Decription:
DIA:18.2MM BC:8.6MM

Thin edge design

Extreme comfort & UV Protection

Easy adaption

Sandwich Technologic-color inside
Can be worn for 6 months, as long as they are cared for properly. 

model: aya, my sister

photographed / reviewed by : yours truly

Here's how to use contact lenses properly:
1. First you have to wash your hands with soap and water, make sure your hands are clean and there is no residue of any oil or lotion because that could irritate your eyes.

 2. Using contact lens holder, place the contact lens into the tip of your pointer finger.
 3. With your eyes wide open, put the contact lens into the center portion of your eye.
4. After you are finished using them,make sure to clean it before putting them back on the lens case filled with adequate lens care solution.

 tada! here's the before and after look! 
* You can easily distinguish the difference between an eye with contact lens and one without. The eyes are more vibrant and bright.
 Final outcome!!! 

NOTE: This product was sent to me as a gift. I made this review based on my own ideas and preference on how to use them. My opinions about the quality of the said products are based on my personal judgements and the outcome of my usage.

Bundle Monster Nail art Contest 2012

Hi guys here's my entry for Bundle Monster Nail art Contest on facebook.. I used BM 203 and BM 204 image plate for my design.. Pls support my entry... You can vote for your favorite nail art daily, from May 7-13... 
Here's the link:

Hope you like it! God Bless

Baviphat, Sanrio, and Retro Nail Art


baviphat "lady pink"
kd series image plate ( Phoebe's Merchandise)
qa image plate and fun special polish ( Fab Ur Nails Shop)
nail art brush
top coat

Nail art I made for my aunt Rose Nebre "RETRO BLING"

materials used:
bear fing'rs "light blue"
black special polish
MJ image plate ( Fab Ur Nails Shop )
nail art brush
top coat

hope you like them! God Bless

Liebster blog < 3

Liebster tarkoittaa "rakkain" tai "rakastettu", mutta sillä voi tarkoittaa myös suosikkia. Palkinnon ajatuksena on saada huomiota blogeille joilla on alle 200 lukijaa.

Tunnustuksen säännöt:
1. Kiitä antajaa ja linkitä hänen blogiinsa.
2. Valitse viisi suosikkiblogiasi (joilla on siis alle 200 lukijaa)
ja kerro se heille jättämällä kommentti heidän blogiinsa.
3. Kopioi ja liitä palkinto blogiisi.
4. Toivo, että ihmiset joille lähetit palkinnon antavat sen eteenpäin heidän viidelle suosikkiblogilleen.

Kiitos kuuluu Linnealle! Sitten niihin blogeihin (:
1. Viiville
2. Fannylle
3. Annastiinalle
4. Annikalle
5. Lilialle ja Annille